St. Clement's Episcopal Church
Visit us:
3600 Harper Rd.
Clemmons, NC
Send Mail:
PO Box 1547
Clemmons, NC
We are located on Harper Rd., just 2/10 of a mile north of Interstate 40 at Exit 182.
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Additional Information
St. Clement’s includes:
Regular visitors,
Baptized members (those who have joined from another Christian denomination); and
Episcopalians (those baptized/confirmed in The Episcopal Church or received by a bishop from another denomination.)
Would you like to become a member of our parish?
Please fill out our registration form and either mail it to our PO Box address, give it to an Usher at one of our Sunday services, or email it to our Church Office at stclements3600@gmail.com.
If Episcopalian, indicate if you wish to transfer.
If not Episcopalian, you’ll be a Baptized Member.
If not baptized, please speak with Mother Jamie+ about next steps.

Stay Informed
Would you like to receive Mother Jamie's Friday e-blast of announcements and helpful links? You can always "unsubscribe" at any time should you no longer wish to to receive it.
Email the office with your name & email address.
St. Clement's Episcopal Church
Clemmons, NC