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Ministry Opportunities

Acolyte Ministry

Acolytes are children and adults who play a vital role in the worship life our parish, beginning with—but not limited to—leading the entrance procession as the crucifer. They also light the candles, assist the deacon with preparing the altar for communion, and assist the priest in other liturgical duties as needed.  As soon as children are mature enough to follow the instructions and big and strong enough to ‘lift high the cross,’ they may start training as an acolyte.  We always welcome new acolytes of any age—and we also need adults willing to make themselves available to serve at funerals.



Our purpose is to be visible and available, to assist the clergy and members of the congregation during the services.


We arrive early to greet and hand out bulletins, keeping an eye out for visitors.  We stand ready to help anyone needing assistance on arrival, or in finding their seat for the service.  We collect the offering and assist with the orderly flow of the Communion pattern.  And, of course, we stand ready to perform any other duties requested by the Rector in order to help smooth out the entire flow of the service.


If you feel you will need assistance in going up to the Altar Rail for Communion, just inform one of the Ushers, and we’ll be happy to assist.  Or, if it would be best for you to have the Communion Sacraments be brought to you where you sit, just let one of us know. If you would like to join our team, please just let us know.


Altar Guild

The Altar Guild has continued to maintain the Altar vestments and all supplies needed for our communal worship.  Member responsibilities are for one Sunday a month with additional requests for special occasions and holy days.  While this ministry has historically been associated with women from a time when women’s ministries were very limited, the Altar Guild is open to all!  Children love the ‘behind the scenes’ view, and fellas can be a big help with some of the tasks involving reaching and carrying.  Additional members are needed and appreciated! 



Pastoral Care

Mother Jamie, Office Manager Linda Turley, Deacon Mark Davidson, and parishioner Luci Lazorchak strive to make sure pastoral needs are met. Mother Jamie will visit, either at home or at the hospital, with anyone who needs a healing prayer or just to talk. Deacon Mark also has availability. We deliver flowers or plants, and cards are sent.  We maintain a prayer list and hold each other in prayer every day. Contact the church office if you would like to be a part of this vital ministry. 



Visitors are encouraged to fill out a visitor’s card.  (And if a visitor’s card was not offered, the visitor is urged to ask for one!)  A Welcome Packet containing freshly baked bread, current newsletter, and other helpful information is delivered to them that week. However, this has been temporarily suspended during COVID. 



A small committee, headed by Sandra Nash and Phyllis Scardina, provides receptions for funerals, Confirmations/Bishop visits, and other important occasions when needed. 



Men's Group

The St. Clement’s Men’s Group meets every Saturday morning at 8 am via Zoom. The group began and is structured around the Cursillo Reunion Group model.  Because the initial members were male, the group eventually acquired the “Men’s Group” moniker.   The discussion is a round-robin format where each member shares thoughts and experiences in the areas of Piety (a moment closest to Christ), Study (reading) and Action (putting our faith into action). In addition to the weekly sharing sessions, the Men’s Group sponsors several activities over the course of the year….a chili supper, Mardi Gras pancake supper, end of summer parish picnic, and the annual Shrimp Dinner. The Men's Group is open to all the men of the parish (and beyond!), and we are always open for more members to join our ranks.


Women’s Prayer Group

Meets every Thursday morning at 11 am for an hour and is open to all women of the parish. This group of lively women meet for stimulating exploration of different topics and spirited conversation.


Pot Luck (Costco) Dinner Parties

Meets periodically on a Saturday evening. This is a casual and fun get together where each person/couple brings a heavy appetizer or dessert and their own beverage and is hosted in a member’s home.


St. Clement's Episcopal Church

Clemmons, NC

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